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AGMANZ and Te Ara

NZMJ Volume 24 Number 1 Winter 1994

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NZMJ Volume 24 Number 1 Winter 1994


Editorial / David Butts
To stand tall - a place of pride opens in Palmerston North / Dale Bailey
The proper business of museums / Des Griffin
The Ministry of Cultural Affairs Te Manatu Tikanga-a-iwi / Christopher Blake
Towards equitable collecting - a Birmingham experience of equal opportunities and collecting policy / Janet Legget
Museums as learning resources for students of science at the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand / Grant Moffat
Education and the Manawatu Museum / Joanne Mackintosh
Murihuku resolution of Koiwi Tangata Management / Karl Gillies and Gerard O'Regan
Exciting teachers about insects / Pamela Lovis
Pompallier / Gavin McLean
Historic buildings and their collections - are they equal / Jan Harris
Of dead elephants and tourists a new look at an old friend / Keith Dewar
The Antiquities Act Review 1986-1994 - time to mobilise / David Butts
News: To market, to market...a short report on the September meeting of ICOM MPR / Roger Smith; Museums Australia Inc.; New president of ICOM (New Zealand); Museum studies seminar; Diploma in Museum Studies Graduates 1994; Canterbury Museum to charge admission; Curatorship - indigenous perspectives in post-colonial societies / Keith W. Thomson
Book reviews: The Industrial Heritage - Managing Resources and Use / Gavin McLean; A Wider World - Collections of Foreign Ethnography in Scotland / Roger Fyfe; Pitt Rivers - The Life and Archaeological Work of Lieutenant General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers / Janet Davidson

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Journal Volume 17 Number 5 [i.e. Vol 18 No 1] Autumn 1987
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 29 September 1966
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 28 July 1966