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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ Volume 6 Number 4 November 1975

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AGMANZ Volume 6 Number 4 November 1975


Four historical exhibitions / Ken Gorbey
New Zealand news: Obituary - William Sykes Baverstock OBE, FRSA; 75th anniversary of the Department of Tourism; International support for Canterbury Museum Antarctic Centre; AASLH museum seminars; The New Zealand Art Gallery Directors Conference, Auckland; Two new acts; The Commonwealth Association of Museums; Exhibition news: a note from the Editor; Requests for employment; New appointment - Gisborne Art Gallery and Museum; New appointment - Canterbury Society of Arts Gallery; New appointment - Director Taranaki Museum; Art Education Officer for the Dowse; New appointment - Waikato Art Museum; Salaries
Book Reviews: The Technical Requirements of Small Museums / Harrison; Transport Museums / Yearbook; The Art Crisis / Burnham
Visual Art Bank for New Zealand - Draft of a proposal / Ernest Smith
Video standardisation for New Zealand museums / Ken Gorbey
Protection of the art buyer / Norman Marks
Fakes and professional responsibilities
Meeting of AGMANZ Council 23-24 September 1975
Grants from the Art Galleries and Museums Fund 1975-76
Letter to the Editor
Handling weaving on display

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter number 20 January 1965
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 8 Number 1 February 1977
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter number 7 June 1959