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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ News Volume 4 Number 1 February 1973

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AGMANZ News Volume 4 Number 1 February 1973

Contents (pg. 19)

Associate news: Annual report; Membership; Resignation; Knighthood; Publications; Council meetings; Australian visit; Historical Articles Act; Small Purchases Subsidy; In-service training; de Beer Grant; Conservation Grant-in-aid; Frances Hodgkins Fellowship Award; School services; Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council
New Zealand news: Dunedin Public Art Gallery Society - Director's
Visit to Europe; Mediaeval Arts in Europe; Museum of Transport and Technology, Auckland; Towards an Art Museum; Protection for artefacts and archaeological sites; Who do you know; Canterbury Museum, Christchurch; Robert McDougall Art Gallery, Christchurch; Southland Museum, lnvercargill; Nelson Provincial Museum;Museum of Transport and Technology, Auckland; Church will go to museum; Alexander Turnbull Library Move; Tauranga may have outdoor museum; Te Awamutu seeks loan for museum; District Museum at Balclutha; Lack of subsidies for art; Visitor on study tour;ASPAC cultural scholarship visitor; Otago Museum, Dunedin; Extensions for Hawkes Bay Art Gallery and Museum
Overseas news: Norman Lindsay Gallery; Information about Scholarships etc. offered by UNESCO; Stolen artefact; For art to cross frontiers; Wanganui Public Museum

AGMANZ and Te Ara
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