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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 4 1988

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AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 4 1988

Contents (pg. 1)

Notes from the AGMANZ office / Cheryl Brown
Editorial / Geri Thomas
Towards bicultural museums in New Zealand / Mina McKenzie
Dr Michael Ames in Dunedin / Richard Cassels and Warner Haldane
Dr Michael Ames at Owae Marae / Rangi Panoho
The question of significance and the interpretation of Maori culture in New Zealand museums / Greg McManus
Resurfacing in Gondwanaland / James Mack
An interview with Dr Michael Volkerling / Geri Thomas
Museum shops: another access / Cheryl Brown
Cultural institutions in the marketplace / Cheryll Sotheran
Are you being served...yet? / Christopher Johnstone
Book reviews
General information

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 44 February 1969
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 8 Number 2 May 1977
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 4 1988