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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 3 1988

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AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 3 1988

Contents (pg. 1)

Editorial / David Butts
Notes from the AGMANZ office / Cheryl Brown
Towards regional museum services for Otago and Southland / Walter Haldane
Combined national museum and art gallery conservationunit - New premises / Mervyn F. Hutchinson
Conservation - Identifying common needs / Bronwyn Simes and Bill Milbank
The Northern Regional Conservation Service / Sarah Hillary and Michael Wheeler
New Zealand Professional Conservators Group Conference and AGM 1988 / Lesley Cobb
Code of ethics / New Zealand Professional Conservators' Group
Unique pictorial heritage - Will it last? / Maurice Watson
Transporting works of art in New Zealand / Sarah Rennie
Conservation: the case for collective action / Jeavons Baillie and Lyndsay Knowles
Thinking about air conditioning / Gillian Watt
Waikato Museum of Art and History / David Woodings
Christopher Johnstone, Director of the Auckland City Art Gallery / Mary Barr
Book reviews
New portable humidity/temperature data logger
Letters to the Editor

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 28 July 1966
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 2 Number 7 November 1970
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 10 Number 2 May 1979