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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 1 1988

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AGMANZ Journal Volume 19 Number 1 1988

Contents (pg. 1)

Editorial / Bronwyn Simes
Notes from the AGMANZ office / Cheryl Brown
Katherine Mansfield Birthplace Restoration Project / Margaret McKenzie
Museums and community / Elizabeth Hinds
Progress in a small museum / Kelvin Day
Eastern Southland Gallery - Gore / Jim Geddes  
Exhibition opens doors / Bob Maysmor 
New Zealand Oral History Archive / Judith Fyfe and Hugo Manson 
Alexander Turnbull Library, photograph section / Walter Cook and John Sullivan 
Beginnings of Aigantighe Gallery / Jill Trevelyan
Putaruru Timber Museum / Elizabeth Howlands 
A community history for schools / Mark Sheehan 
Museum sideshow / Steve Lowndes
Dreaming about collection documentation / Peter Millar
Security Consultants / Cheryl Brown 
Report from lCOM Conservation Conference / Greer Olsen 
General information 
Letters to the Editor
Cultural Conservation Advisory Council Policy

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 2 Number 6 August 1970
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 42 August 1968
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 11 Number 3 August 1980