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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ Journal Volume 18 Number 2 Winter 1987

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AGMANZ Journal Volume 18 Number 2 Winter 1987

Contents (pg. 1)

Editorial / Jan Bieringa
AGMANZ 19th biennial conference, Christchurch 1987 / Steve Lowndes
Te Maori Te Hokinga Mai: some reflections / B. Kernot
Te Maori: another view / Henare te Ua
User Pays / Tony Simpson
Some thoughts on museums / Dr. Desmond Griffin
Education officers / Russell Marshall
Plastic is fantastic / Harvey Taylor and Greg McManus
Disparity in the ranks / Helen Telford
Museum studies at a New Zealand university / Keith W. Thomson
Conservation: Cultural Conservation Advisory Council; NZ Professional Conservators Conference; Salvage of Cook Island government records; Maori material not under the care of New Zealand Film Archive; Otago Museum conservation laboratory; ICOM conference, Adelaide
For your information
Publication information
Obituary: Colin McCahon / Luit Bieringa

AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 28 July 1966
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 31 December 1966
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ News Volume 14 Number 3 September 1983