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AGMANZ and Te Ara

AGMANZ Journal Volume 17 Number 5 [i.e. Vol 18 No 1] Autumn 1987

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AGMANZ Journal Volume 17 Number 5 [i.e. Vol 18 No 1] Autumn 1987

Note: This issue should have appeared as Volume 18 Number 1.

Contents (pg. 1)

Polar links: Canterbury Museum's long association with the Antarctic
Appropriation / Robert Leonard
Collection highlights
Museums and archaeology in Lebanon 1987 / Greg McManus
He who pays the piper calls the tune / Michael Volkerling
The Australian Museum in 1987 / Desmond Griffin
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
A.N.Z.A.A.A. Congress '87
For your information: Artspace / John McCormack; A children's museum; Oral history association; For sale; Congress '87; AGMANZ workshops; Workshop - Britain; Job search
Public information


AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter number 2 November 1953
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ Newsletter number 14 September 1962
AGMANZ and Te Ara
AGMANZ newsletter number 30 November 1966