Areta Wilkinson Moa-Hunter Fashions Series: Vertebra I, II, III (detail) 2017. 24-carat Ōtākou gold, flax bailing twine. Courtesy of the artist and Two Rooms, Auckland. Photo: Studio La Gonda
This exhibition is now closed
Artist Areta Wilkinson recalls whakapapa through object making.
Through studio practice and applied research, Wilkinson expresses concepts of Ngāi Tahu whakapapa (genealogy links and relationships) and mahinga kai customary sites of natural resources and cultural production. Like her ancestors before her she utilises local resources for the task at hand – hammerstones from the Waimakariri and Rakahuri Ashley Rivers, local pigments, clays and gold.
18 September 2020 – 8 February 2021 -
Nathan Pōhio -
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