On display
Burial in the winter on the island of Marken by Petrus van der Velden

Petrus van der Velden Burial in the winter on the island of Marken [The Dutch Funeral] 1875. Oil on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, gift of Henry Charles Drury van Asch, 1932
Art Bite
Past event
Meet in the exhibition
For our first Art Bite of the year, join volunteer guide June Goldstein as she discusses Petrus van der Velden's Burial in the winter on the island of Marken [The Dutch Funeral] in New Dawn Fades on the first floor.
Please note new start time of 12noon.
Art Bites are 30-minute lunchtime presentations on a single work on display, presented by our staff, guides and guest speakers.
There's a new Art Bite to enjoy each Friday at 12noon (except public and school holidays)