Elisabeth Pointon

Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1992
Pākehā, Fijian-Indian, Pasifika

Best Wishes.

  • 2019
  • Oxford cloth, blower
  • Purchased 2020
  • 2021/006

Informed by her employment at a luxury car dealership, Elisabeth Pointon’s practice considers language, accessibility and representation. Appropriating both the conventions of corporate language and the visual language of advertising, Pointon comments on the largely white and masculine-led environments of the workplace and the art world.

Get it right. is drawn from an email circulated at Pointon’s workplace, relating to staying on task and meeting financial targets, but is also a phrase that has arisen in Pointon’s interactions with curators and gallerists in the art community. Borrowing this phrase that hints at the financial bottom line permeating target-driven work environments, Pointon relates it to the experience of emerging artists, and to the expectation they face to capitalise on the opportunities that come their way.

Holly Best, Uncomfortable Silence: 7 March - 19 July 2020

Exhibition History