Roger Boyce
Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1948
The Illustrated History of Painting
- 2009-2010
- Oil and acrylic polymer on hardwood panel
- Purchased, 2011
- 2011/233:1-100
Tags: animals, books, candles, coffins, easels, hands (animal or human components), jesters, men (male humans), mythology (literary genre), nudes (representations), paintbrushes, painting (image making), people (agents), rainbows, seas, ships, women (female humans)
Exhibition History


Populate! update #1 (not quite Hollywood)
Our tenth-birthday Populate! programme is revving up – fast. Here's the first of what'll be quite a few Populate! updates leading up to our birthday on May 10. (And a warning to those suffering coulrophobia, or fear of clowns: DON'T SCROLL DOWN.)

But seriously
When it comes to contemporary painting, seriousness has a way of turning into solemnity, and solemn art is just asking for it.

Roger Boyce gallery is an ideal meeting space
The Roger Boyce exhibition, like the rest of the gallery, is closed to the public today.

Getting some on you
From a talk given by senior curator Justin Paton at the opening of Roger Boyce's The Illustrated history of painting at Christchurch Art Gallery on 12 August.