
Blue Globe: Stories from Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū

Blue Globe: Stories from Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū

You are invited to take part in Blue Globe: Stories from Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū. It’s a chance to feed your curiosity, feel inspired and challenge your creative side. And it’s easy. All you have to do is choose any artwork from the Gallery’s collection online and create a short piece of writing inspired by it. 

Colouring in: Flowers in a Vase

Colouring in: Flowers in a Vase

This lovely painting of flowers was painted a very long time ago, about 1685. It is called a still life, which is a drawing or painting of an arrangement of everyday objects.

Colouring in: Nathaniel Webb, Esq., of Roundhill Grange, Charlton Musgrove, Somerset

Colouring in: Nathaniel Webb, Esq., of Roundhill Grange, Charlton Musgrove, Somerset

This painting was made around 300 years ago, so it’s quite old. The man in the picture was called Nathaniel Webb. In his portrait Nathaniel wears very fine clothes and a wig. It seems strange to us now but at that time it was a popular fashion for rich men to cut their own hair short and wear a wig.

Colouring in: In the Wizard's Garden

Colouring in: In the Wizard's Garden

This painting looks as if there’s a story happening in it. What do you think that story is?

Colouring in: Cosmo McMurtry

Colouring in: Cosmo McMurtry

Cosmo looks a lot like the Easter Bunny to me – and luckily for us Jacinda Ardern has confirmed that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are considered essential workers while we're in lockdown!

In the Vast Emptiness by Basil Dowling

In the Vast Emptiness by Basil Dowling

Curator Peter Vangioni reads the poem In the Vast Emptiness by Basil Dowling. Back in 2015, when re-opening from our previous forced closure, Peter took this poem as the inspiration for an exhibtion of Canterbury landscapes.

From the hand-washing point of view, this is a two minute marathon, but where's the harm in that?

See all the images at once and find out more about each one.

what happens by Jenny Bornholdt

what happens by Jenny Bornholdt

A very special hand-washing treat

Girls in a factory by Denis Glover

Girls in a factory by Denis Glover

Kirsty Mathieson, our Administration and Business Support team leader reads 'Girls in a Factory' by Denis Glover.

It's perfectly timed at 21 seconds - just right for washing away those nasty viruses.

Dunedin by Edith Howes

Dunedin by Edith Howes

Today Gallery Director Blair Jackson, sometime resident of Dunedin, reads the poem Dunedin by Edith Howes.

That completes one week of lockdown, but hands still need washing thoroughly.

Frances Hodgkins review

Frances Hodgkins review

Writer Margaux Warne had this to say about our Frances Hodgkins exhibition in the April issue of Artbeat. Sadly the exhibition is off-limits at the moment, but we are working hard on ways of bringing it to life online.

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