Robin Wade

Storage racks of the kind eventually to be installed in the new storage depot currentlyunder construction

Storage racks of the kind eventually to be installed in the new storage depot currently
under construction

Museum director Robin Wade is invited to Christchurch to consider the future of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery.

The Christchurch City Council, at its December 18 meeting confirmed a Cultural Committee recommendation to retain the services of the London-based consultant museum designer Mr Robin Wade. He will confer with the Director and interested parties and institutions in Christchurch, prior to producing a concept report on recommended future art gallery development. Mr Wade will visit Christchurch in the period March 20-24 and his travel expenses to New Zealand from Australia, where he will be on consultation, will be met by the Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council. Mr Wade will bring with him a wealth of museum design experience. He operates a practice of ten museum designers in London, is a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, on the Boards of Trustees of several British Museums, Fellow of the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers, Member of the Council for National Academic Awards (Three Dimensional and Design Board, Interior Design Panel) and can count among his major museum projects the ‘Chinese Archaelogical finds Exhibition’, Royal Academy London, ‘Turner Exhibition ’, Royal Academy London, lron Bridge Gorge Museum’, which won the Museum of the Year Award in 1977, ‘The Fox Talbot Museum at Lacock’, which won the Pilgrim Trust Award in 1976, ‘The British Museum Entrance Hall, Bookshop and Two Galleries’, and a study for the establishment of a ‘National Museum for Jordan’. He is currently working on 20 projects including re-organisation of the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery at the British Museum, several United States Commissions and a major project in Venezuela. We may be very certain that Mr Wade’s report will combine the virtues of informed opinion and independence from local issues and will materially assist in reaching a solution to the critical space shortage and other problems at this, the country’s smallest per capita, art gallery.