It’s not as bad as Dusky Sound…
Behind the scenes
So said photographer Mark Adams to the brave art lovers who battled through the storm to hear him talk on Tuesday night. And they were glad they did.

We all know how much it can rain in Fiordland, and Mark explained the problems he has in keeping his large format camera and film dry on his expeditions which can take 2 or 3 weeks. Not only, that but he also has to edit on the spot. Not something the rest of us are good at, merrily snapping away with our digital cameras with delete at the ready. His process is painstaking, laborious with spectacular results.

Peter Vangoni continued the conversation by asking Mark when he first became interested in photography and together with the audience they covered the path that led to the photographic response to Hodges's paintings in the exhibition.
Mark finished up by saying that Dusky Sound was a truly sublime place. The same could be said of his photographs.