Paint, Pin, Re-Pin, Repeat
Behind the scenes
Some of our staff have been helping Christchurch Arts Festival 2013 with the Fly Me Up To Where You Are: Tiffany Singh project.

Airi from visitor services re-pinning one or two flags.
It's a big, mind boggling project. Here's how our contribution breaks down into numbers:
2 step-ladders
5 Christchurch Art Gallery staff
6 weeks
13 litres of paint
24 schools
72 lessons
2000 kids
2500 flags
5000 pins
Flags have to be pinned on to a piece of cord that has been cut to specific length to fit into the installation. Each piece of string has to have a specific number of flags on it. If you accidently get the colour sequence wrong you have to take it all down and re-pin it. Once the flags have been painted and hung the schools are responsible for finding someone to iron each flag and then sew them all together.
Christchurch Arts Festival also has a facilitator visiting schools and Tiffany Singh and her mum are about to start making flags with school groups. So for the next few weeks we are all painting, pinning, re-pinning and sewing like a well oiled machine. There will have be thousands of people who have helped to make this work by the time it is completed. It is one of those works of art where the process is just as important as the final product.
Fly Me Up To Where You Are is Brought to you by Christchurch Arts Festival 2013, opening on 22 August on Worcester Boulevard.