Behind the scenes
Andrew Drummonds spectacular Viewing Device, Counter Rotating was hanging in the foyer on Feb 22, 2011.

Still, I was particularly taken with the recent reprisal in the Gallery's underground carpark. A couple of days of sleet and almost-snow gave way to some welcome sunny relief, and the late afternoon light peering through the roller door cast a wonderful reminder of Andrew's alchemy.
The huge kinetic sculpture is an obvious engineering marvel, and apparently so too was the bracket which held it in place, suspended in the foyer to capture the vast supply of sunlight.

The impressive inner and outer sheaths offered an ever changing array of patterns as they counter-rotated, and their geometric simplicity was well leant to two gallery publications - issue 161 of Bulletin (the most expensive cover in the magazines history), and of course the large catalogue that accompanied Andrew's retrospective, Observation / Action / Reflection.