With a little help from our friends
Behind the scenes
Well, with three days to go and 47 per cent of our target still to find, we have to say we were sweating it a little – not sure if we'd get to our $25,000 funding goal. But today, the anxiety is now over!

Christchurch Casino - 'you complete us'. With a giant $12,000 donation you've 'pushed us over the edge', by getting us to 103 per cent funding of our project. This, matched with an equally generous donation from IAG, and 20 other amazing personal donors, means our first ever Boosted project has been a success. Nice one.
Thank you all for backing more public art in Christchurch. With the weather turning a little grim today, the thought of colourful art beginning to pop up around the city from 11 May as part of the Populate! programme is very comforting.
What will we do with this extra funding?
Knowing we had half our project ask in 10 days ago, we kicked into gear planning a few more artworks to hit Christchurch's central city as part of the Populate! programme over May and June. And with the Casino's extra funding now on board, we're pleased to say we'll be able to bring a few more portraits from the Gallery out to Christchurch's streets – showing more 'Faces from the Collection' (since you still can't get in to see them). Watch out for one appearing at the Casino (note, due to time constraints, these may not be up by 11 May in time for our Saturday Birthday Party, but keep checking in on www.christchurchartgallery.org.nz for updates).
In the meantime, make sure you are at the Populate! Birthday Party Saturday 11, from noon. We'll have tours of the Populate! Outer Spaces projects, films, talks, and an 'Imagination Playground' for kids (thank you to IAG and The Dowse), plus an afternoon of music on the street outside the C1 Espresso Building and our new gallery space (209 Tuam St) above C1 Espresso.
Look forward to celebrating with you. By the way – we have 3 more days left before this campaign closes, and would love to see more donors on Boosted.org.nz to help us show New Zealand that people love the Gallery. Feel free to spread the love for us one more time!