Behind the scenes
To the fine city of Lincoln to see what has become of the High Bridge since Eleanor Hughes drew it in 1905.

Eleanor Hughes The High Bridge, Lincoln 1905. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 2001
The bridge itself is still there, with its half-timbered row of shops.

But the obelisk was removed in 1939 as it appeared to be crushing the bridge and was dismantled and placed in storage. When a new shopping centre was built in the 1990s (on the site of a disused railway station), it was found, re-assembled and now sits proudly outside Debenham's.

Incidentally Lincoln, New Zealand has no real connection with Lincoln, England, having been named after the Earl of Lincoln, later the 5th Duke of Newcastle (1811-1864) who was a member of the Canterbury Association.