Diana, Lady Isaac 1921 - 2012
Behind the scenes
We were saddened to hear of the death of Diana, Lady Isaac on 23 November. She was a wonderful woman: elegant, gracious and a good friend to many.

Image courtesy The Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust: www.isaacconservation.org.nz
She was also a well-known philanthropist and among the many environmental and heritage causes she supported, she contributed generously to the building of the new Christchurch Art Gallery. Our education centre is named for Sir Neil and Lady Isaac. She came to many openings and events before her health declined in recent years and always enjoyed the outing.
She had quite a collection herself, both around her spacious house and upstairs in the gallery area (Peter Vangioni helped her assistant catalogue it). From time-to-time, she gave us works including several examples by Peter McIntyre and Toss Woollaston.
Earlier this year, she asked if we'd like two works on paper by Toss Woollaston. Of course! As it turned out, one was of her and she didn't much like it. As I left, she waved it away in her inimitable way, 'Good riddance!'
Well, the same cannot be said for Diana - and we'll miss her from now on. Witty and warm, she was a great host and loved company.
We'll miss hers.

Toss Woollaston, Diana, Lady Isaac (1993), watercolour. Collection Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, presenteed by Diana, Lady Iasaac, 2012.