On First Installing Chapman's Homer
Behind the scenes
If you've been down Madras Street recently you might well have seen something unusual on the vacant lot outside NG
The site used to look like this...

Google Earth. 2007
But now it's home to these two...
(Note for the pedantic - grass and buildings not included.)

Michael Parekowhai A Peak in Darien and Chapman's Homer 2011. Bronze, stainless steel. Courtesy of the artist and Michael Lett, Auckland. © musée du Quai Branly, photo Cyril Zannettacci
The two pianos, complete with cast bronze bulls, form part of Michael Parekowhai's On First Looking into Chapman's Homer - the installation that represented New Zealand at the last Venice Biennale. They've also spent some time in Paris, in view of the Eiffel Tower. And now they're here, on the rather empty block between Tuam and Lichfield streets.
Here's how they got there.

Meanwhile, inside NG...

The exhibition is open from this weekend, and the stunning red carved Steinway piano above will be being played throughout its month long showing. Make sure you see it and hear it.