
Post-traumatic sustenance

Behind the scenes

'I think that art can add to the healing of a city in a post-catastrophe environment...'

Mark Bradford Mithra 2008 Sculptural installation in the Ninth Ward, New Orleans. Courtesy of Mark Bradford and Prospect New Orleans

Mark Bradford Mithra 2008 Sculptural installation in the Ninth Ward, New Orleans. Courtesy of Mark Bradford and Prospect New Orleans

'...by simply maintaining some of the central principles of artistic practice and by emphasising the central role that the aesthetic dimension has in our lives. In a post-traumatic situation, the sensory richness of art can sustain people through all the draining and wearying tasks that go along with rebuilding a city.'

Dan Cameron, director of Prospect New Orleans, interviewed about the place of art in a post-disaster environment, in our new 'quake' issue of Bulletin.