
It's coming here

Behind the scenes

Yes it is.

Michael Parekowhai Chapman's Homer 2011. Bronze, stainless steel, two pieces: 2510 x 2710 x 1750mm, 560 x 870 x 370mm. Photo: Michael Hall

Michael Parekowhai Chapman's Homer 2011. Bronze, stainless steel, two pieces: 2510 x 2710 x 1750mm, 560 x 870 x 370mm. Photo: Michael Hall

Michael Parekowhai's Venice project, On first looking into Chapman's Homer. You can see it in Venice here, and see it at Christchurch Art Gallery round 1 June 2012 – one year on from its launch in Europe.

We can't wait. Well actually, we can, we're used to waiting. But how good will it be to have Michael's pianos weighing in – and ringing out – in the reopened Christchurch Art Gallery.