Erratum, errata, eratic, or just not very good
Behind the scenes
As any of you who receive or read Bulletin will have noticed, we had a something of a technical hiccup in the last issue...

During the final stages of the production process the final couple of paragraphs of Peter Simpson's feature on Leo Bensemann 'fell off', rendering his article somewhat anticlimactic. Although unfortunately this definitely falls into the 'shutting the gate after the horse has bolted' category, we're taking some steps to redress the problem as satisfactorily as is possible.
We've set up a bit of a working bee to insert cover-up stickers in to all the copies of the magazine to go on sale through the Gallery Shop and online. However, if you've already received your copy of the magazine and would like to finish the article, email us at bulletin@ccc.govt.nz and we'll either post a sticker or, if you're local, leave it at the information desk for you to collect. We're only printing a limited number of these, so it seems they will become something of a collector's item. Get in quick to make sure you get one.
In the meantime, the complete article is now available to read online here. And we'd like to offer our sincere apologies to Peter Simpson for the error.