Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 6 number 2, December 1963

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Changing climate
Ceramic wall panels and murals - John Kingston
The social function of craftsmen - Teruo Hara
Takeichi Kawai
Exhibition in Finland - Graham Storm
All these trust in their hands
Nelson minerals for the potter
A visit to the ancient T'ing kiln site - Rewi Alley
Kiln firing developments - Roy Cowan
Australian and New Zealand pottery
Seventh New Zealand Potters' exhibition
Ninth International Exhibition of Ceramic Art, Washington
First study-conference for the promotion of crafts in New Zealand - Gerald Wakely
Book review
Notes on a stoneware jar - T Barrow
Warren Tippett - Yvonne Rust
New Zealand Society of Potters

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 26 number 2, 1984
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 5 number 2, December 1962
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 34 number 3, 1992