Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 6 number 2, December 1963

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Changing climate
Ceramic wall panels and murals - John Kingston
The social function of craftsmen - Teruo Hara
Takeichi Kawai
Exhibition in Finland - Graham Storm
All these trust in their hands
Nelson minerals for the potter
A visit to the ancient T'ing kiln site - Rewi Alley
Kiln firing developments - Roy Cowan
Australian and New Zealand pottery
Seventh New Zealand Potters' exhibition
Ninth International Exhibition of Ceramic Art, Washington
First study-conference for the promotion of crafts in New Zealand - Gerald Wakely
Book review
Notes on a stoneware jar - T Barrow
Warren Tippett - Yvonne Rust
New Zealand Society of Potters

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 39 number 3, 1997
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 32 number 3, 1990
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 5 number 1, August 1962