Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 31 number 1, 1989

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Through the Filter Press - Howard S. Williams
Books - Reviewed by John Parker
Patricia Perrin - 1921-1988
Letter from Ireland - Sean Kelly
Canterbury Potters 25th Anniversary - Rosemary Perry
Darryl Robertson, Potter
National Provident Fund Award Exhibition
The New Kiln - Vic Evans
Red Hot Plus - Brian Gartsrde
Concrete Replaces Clay - Jan White
Nelson Potters '89 Exhibition
Lucky 13 - Richard Parker
11th Borland Lodge Pottery School
The Hiding Pot - Jim Mason
The Shoestring Graduates - Elizabeth F. Woodfield
New Zealand Pottery Clubs and Societies
Asbestos Substitutes - Brooke T. Mossman
Potters Market

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 32 number 3, 1990
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 11 number 1, Autumn 1969
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 5 number 1, August 1962