Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 31 number 1, 1989

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Through the Filter Press - Howard S. Williams
Books - Reviewed by John Parker
Patricia Perrin - 1921-1988
Letter from Ireland - Sean Kelly
Canterbury Potters 25th Anniversary - Rosemary Perry
Darryl Robertson, Potter
National Provident Fund Award Exhibition
The New Kiln - Vic Evans
Red Hot Plus - Brian Gartsrde
Concrete Replaces Clay - Jan White
Nelson Potters '89 Exhibition
Lucky 13 - Richard Parker
11th Borland Lodge Pottery School
The Hiding Pot - Jim Mason
The Shoestring Graduates - Elizabeth F. Woodfield
New Zealand Pottery Clubs and Societies
Asbestos Substitutes - Brooke T. Mossman
Potters Market

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 6 number 2, December 1963
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 16 number 2, Spring 1974
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 10 number 2, Spring 1968