Library and Archives

New Zealand Potter

New Zealand Potter volume 29 number 1, 1987

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Through the Filter press - Howard S. Williams
Exhbition Calendar
Auckland Studio Potters in Nelson
Greg Reid - Paul Johnston
Nelson Community Potters - Peter Gibbs
Pots and Flowers - Ketih Blight
Lombok lndonesia - Robyn Stewart
Pottery in Nigeria, 1959 - Peter Stichbury
A Course of Green’s - Sam Halstead
Kerry Rombouts - Julie Obren
Giovanna Ponti - Cecilia Parkinson
The Quarry, Northland - Jon Anderson
Barry Brickell - Jon Anderson
Overseazure - Barry Brickell
The Buried Army - Bronwynne Cornish
Wanganui Summer School - Ann Ambler-Woodroffe
Book Review - Howard S. Williams
“Spheres” Exhibition - Ann Bain
Mike and Lynn Spencer
Gordon Baldwin - Leo King
Pamela Webster
Mark Lorimer at Albany Village Pottery
Poters Market

New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 23 number 1, Autumn 1981
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 35 number 1, 1993
New Zealand Potter
New Zealand Potter volume 40 number 1, 1998