Library and Archives
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 10, June-July 1984
Download PDFLetters
John Schiff
The Great New Zealand Box Show
Single Mindedness - from two different potters
Craft Grants - Who, Why and How
Kahurangi - New Zealand Crafts Overseas
Fiji Craft - Exporting New Zealand craft skills
the Chapel of the Holy Child
Norhtland Craft Trust
Politics - national and Labour policies on crafts
Exhibition review - Robin Royds and Noel Gregg
Gallery News
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 27, Autumn 1989
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand
New Zealand Crafts issue 28, Winter 1989
New Zealand Crafts and Craft New Zealand