The new face of horticulture

The new face of horticulture

Toss Woollaston knew how to infuse landscape with nearly human life. 

Into the gorge rode the Salvation Army…

Into the gorge rode the Salvation Army…


The non-essentials

'We need essential items to live.'

Learning from New Orleans

Learning from New Orleans

So your city's broken, the arts community is in disarray, and – after close inspection by experts in hard hats and hi-vis vests – it turns out your long-held faith in the role of art in post-quake Christchurch is suffering from stress fractures, subsidence and some kind of spiritual dry rot. What do you do?

Massage Available Free! (Read the fine print)

Massage Available Free! (Read the fine print)

Signs. They're everywhere in the Gallery, often on top of other signs.

A message from the ancestors

A message from the ancestors

The most memorable sculptures of 2011 were made five hundred years ago.

Easy as abc…

Easy as abc…

One of the books I remember vividly from studying NZ lit at Canterbury University in the early 1990s is the Murray Edmond and Mary Paul-edited anthology The New Poets of the 80s.

Words to build on

Words to build on

Disasters mean loss and loss means remembrance and remembrance means memorials and monuments.

Open House – our opening (and reopening) exhibitions

Open House – our opening (and reopening) exhibitions

It's an open house. Come in. That's the simple message we'll be sending when the Gallery reopens later this year.



For many passers-by, Christchurch art Gallery is identified by its dramatic glass façade—the public face it presents to the world. but De-Building is an exhibition that offers a very different view. bringing together the work of fourteen artists from new Zealand and farther afield, this group exhibition draws inspiration from the working spaces gallery-goers seldom see: the workshops, loading bays and back corridors; the scruffy, half-defined zones.

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