XXth Century French Painting, catalogue cover detail
This exhibition is now closed
This exhibition of French painting was from the private collection of Eric Estorick and was toured through New Zealand by the Auckland Art Gallery. Estorick (1913-1993) was a very important art collector, dealer, author and society figure on both sides of the Atlantic, but quite why or how his private collection was available to New Zealand galleries is not clear. The artists in the collection were Francisco Bores, Bernard Buffet, Jean Maire Calmettes, André Civet, Antoni Clave, Gustave de Smet, Charles Dufresne, André Fougeron, Francis Gruber, Eugene Nestor le Kermadec, Bernard Lorjou, André Masson, André Minaux, Michel Patrix, Edouard Permeke and Edouard Pignon.
December 1957 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - main gallery -
Exhibition number: