This exhibition is now closed
In collaboration with the Embroiderers' Guild, the Galley will host an exhibition of textile art called Threadworks. This exhibition will be part of an extensive textile programme in Christchurch including the Globe Theatre Hangings at the Canterbury Museum and a national conference of textile artists during July.
The exhibits for Threadworks were selected from over 100 submissions. The judges, Cheryll Sotheran Director of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Elizabeth Auton a local textile artist, and John Coley, chose 60 works for exhibition. The invitation to submit works encouraged innovative approaches to traditional techniques and the organisers and judges were extremely happy with the standards of the selected exhibits, some of which represent the most advanced craftswomen from both within New Zealand and abroad.
Coates Patons NZ Ltd have kindly sponsored Threadworks.
('Threadworks', Bulletin, No.80, July/August 1992, p.1)
24 June – 26 July 1992 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - main gallery -
Exhibition number: