Eight New Zealand Painters Catalogue Cover

The Press Thursday March 27, 1958

Review Star Sun Saturday March 22, 1958

This exhibition is now closed
This exhibition was organised by Peter Tomory, Director of the Auckland Art Gallery, and toured main centres and some smaller towns so that the public could see what serious painting was being done throughout the country.
It featured five works each from the following artists: Rita Angus, Ivy Fife, John Holmwood, Milan Mrkusich, Michael Nicolson, Bill Sutton, Sydney Lough Thompson and Dennis Turner.
The artists were chosen for their geographical diversity and style and not necessarily on their prominence. It is interesting to note that women artists were also considered part of the diversity of this broad-ranging show and that four of the eight painters were from, or had studied in, Canterbury.
The exhibition catalogue containing biographical information about exhibiting artists is available to view online here.
25 March – 8 April 1958 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - main gallery -
Exhibition number: