Joyce Campbell Ryukyu I 2003/2011. Fujiflex crystal archive photograph. Courtesy of the artist and Two Rooms, Auckland
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Joyce Campbell’s immersive video work takes the viewer on a journey into the ocean’s fathomless depths, exploring processes of creation and annihilation.
When Joyce Campbell produced her Marianas photographs—images of sculptural forms dissolving in light-filled liquid—US science fiction writer Mark von Schlegell wrote a short story in response, about a nameless protagonist descending into the depths of the ocean. A decade later Campbell made Flightdream, an immersive 25 minute video in response to von Schlegell’s story, exploring processes of creation and annihilation. And then in July 2016, von Schlegell wrote another story inspired by Campbell’s video… Newly acquired for the collection, Flightdream is accompanied in this exhibition by five of Campbell’s related Marianas photographs, 17 tiny silver sculptures, and the two short stories. Soundtrack by Peter Kolovos.
27 August – 20 November 2016 -
Lara Strongman -
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