This exhibition is now closed
Images from New Zealand's war experience can be seen by New Zealanders of all ages when a major art exhibition opens at the Robert McDougall Art Gallery.
This exhibition brings together over 60 images from the 1845 Northland Wars, the 1860s New Zealand Wars, the Boer War, World Wars One and Two as well as war imagery found in society today.
Manawatu Art Gallery curator, Tony Martin, who researched and assembled the exhibition, said it was not intended as a "Chronological survey of male war heroes", or as a documentation of New Zealand's military conflicts. Instead, the images have been arranged according to specific themes, including propaganda, environmentally devastation, wounded, women in war, male heroism and artists against war.
Tony Martin added that warfare has been a recurrent feature throughout New Zealand's history and in recent years some historians had advanced new accounts that challenge some of the old myths. He said that Images of war was also conceived against the background of widespread public pressure against the nuclear arms race.
The Manawatu Art Gallery curated and organised Images of War with the help of the New Zealand 1990 Commission, Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council, Massey Television Production Centre, and Exhibitour MDF.
('Images of War', Bulletin, No.75, August/September 1991, p.2)
29 August – 13 October 1991 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - main gallery -
Exhibition number: