Form in Action catalogue cover (detail)

Letter from Stewart McLennon, National Art Gallery 11 March, 1968

The Christchurch Star March 20, 1968

The Press March 6, 1968

The Press Thursday March 26, 1968

The Press Wednesday ,March 20, 1968

The Press Wednesday, March 20, 1968
This exhibition is now closed
This exhibition was the first of Australian sculpture to be sent overseas and included 40 works as well as a number of sketches and photographs of recent public sculpture. The exhibition was delayed by a week when the vessel in which it was travelling had to turn back because one of the crew was sick, so it was shown outside the official period of the Pan Pacific Arts Festival. An Australian sculptor, Clifford Last, assisted with the mounting of the exhibition.
Sculptors included Clement Meadmore, Robert Klippel, Elwyn Dennis, Oliffe Richmond, Norma Redpath, Ken Reinhard and Stephen Walker.
In reviewing the show, artist Don Peebles said the images were compelling.
Tom Taylor, Senior Lectuerer in Sculpture at the University of Canterbury gave an illustrated lecture on Friday Arpril 5, 1968.
2439 people attended the exhibition.
23 March – 14 April 1968 -
Robert McDougall Art Gallery - Contemporary Art Annex -
Exhibition number: