Sir Miles Warren Historic Homestead

Sir Miles Warren Historic Homestead


Past event

Ohinetahi, Main Road, Governors Bay

Our very first Private Collections Visit is to Ohinetahi: Sir Miles Warren's historic homestead, formal gardens, and private art gallery.

Both Ohinetahi and acclaimed architect Sir Miles Warren are amongst New Zealand's treasures. The homestead—completed in 1867 and purchased by Sir Miles in the late 1970s— is noted for its exquisite garden and modern sculptures; it suffered extensive damage in the series of earthquakes that ravaged greater Christchurch. In November 2012, the house and garden were gifted to New Zealand via the Ohinetahi Charitable Trust. See at firsthand the post-quake renovations, enjoy the wonderful gardens and view Sir Miles's prized art collection, which includes major works by Gordon Crook, Darryn George, Pat Hanly, Ralph Hotere and Don Peebles

Meet Grant Banbury at the gate of Ohinetahi, Main Road, Governors Bay, at 10.20am on the day. Booking are essential: Friends $20, non members $25. Please ring or email the Friends office and leave your contact details. Note: if numbers are sufficient we will arrange bus transportation from the Gallery and back.

This event is now fully booked.