On display
Edwards + Johann

Edwards + Johann On the Mutability of Things #11 2019. Drawing and watercolour on photograph. Courtesy of the artists

Edwards + Johann Concretions – pink 2020. Mixed media on c-type photograph. Courtesy of the artists
Past event
Meet in the exhibition
Join the artists for an introductory floortalk in their new exhibition, Edwards + Johann: Mutabilities - propositions to an unknown universe.
Ōtautahi Christchurch-based artistic collaborators Victoria Edwards and Ina Johann bring recent works into conversation with a new installation in this strange and luminous exhibition, exploring the magic that happens when unrelated worlds connect and transform. Drawing on their recent artist residency at Sutton House, the exhibition considers how new experiences, ideas and materials can both disrupt and enrich what has come before. In keeping with the pair’s inter-disciplinary and explorative practice, Mutabilities—propositions to an unknown universe combines photography, drawing, collage and sculpture to deliver an intriguing and transporting art experience.