On display
Dr Anna Crighton: The Changing Faces of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery

Edgar Degas Manet assis, tourné à droite Undated. Etching. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū
Past event
South Library, 66 Colombo St
Dr Anna Crighton will talk on aspects of her recently published book English, Colonial, Modern and Maori – a cultural biography of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery collection.
Specifically Anna will discuss the previously little discussed Muir years of the 1970s—a time when a significant cultural change occurred and greater professionalism arrived in New Zealand art galleries. Brian Muir's personal agenda was for art education and the selection of works he made for the collection reflected this. Historically, however fascinating, this period ultimately turned out to be a dead end. Muir's approach left a cultural confusion that is arguably apparent even today.
Dr Anna Crighton is a former Christchurch City Councillor and was for many years registrar of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery.
Friends - $5
Non-Friends - $8
Students - FREE (With ID)