Discussion and Screening: Chauka Please Tell Us the Time

Discussion and Screening: Chauka Please Tell Us the Time


Past event

Philip Carter Family Auditorium

Following Friday’s sold-out event with Behrouz Boochani, don't miss this opportunity to join WORD Christchurch and Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū this Saturday morning for a discussion with members of the Australian literary community who have supported the work of this extraordinary writer.

Featuring poet Janet Galbraith, founder of Writing Through Fences, to whom No Friend but the Mountains is dedicated; Arnold Zable, Behrouz’s fellow writer, journalist, activist, collaborator and dear friend; Jane Novak, Behrouz’s literary agent, and Behrouz himself.

This will be followed by a screening of the acclaimed documentary about Manus Island, Chauka, Please Tell Us the Time, co-directed by Behrouz Boochani and Netherlands-based Iranian filmmaker Arash Kamali Sarvestani. Behrouz will answer questions after the film.

This event is free to attend, but you must register as spaces are limited. 

Click here to register.