Delaney Davidson presents ‘Magic Lightbox’

Delaney Davidson presents ‘Magic Lightbox’


Past event

Bayleys Knight Frank Foyer


Fresh from the success of his recent European tour, Delaney presents the final show of his New Zealand Magic Lightbox tour at the Gallery. Blending live music and film, Arts Laureate Delaney gives us a glimpse of a forgotten time – dusty highways, old Europe, the ‘new world’ of the USA and New Zealand as you’ve never seen it before. Catch him on the last show of the tour with special guest Bruce Russell before he disappears again for parts unknown.

Remember the slide show of the returned traveller? Remember the projected image on a sheet in the living room? Remember live music in the cinema?

Delaney’s road footage supplements this body of work, snatching field recorded visual, generic stock footage, scripted scenes and his own miniatures to spin a whole new layer over the sound he creates.

Walking a tightrope between narrative and abstract, his work increasingly lets go of traditional song form and starts to move further out into the sound landscape.

8pm: Bruce and Delaney (Gallery arcade, level 1)
9pm: Magic Lightbox (NZI Foyer)

Pop up bar and food trucks!