Julia Morison

Aotearoa New Zealand, b.1952

Rhombus B4

  • 1982
  • Acrylic on canvas
  • Purchased, 1982
  • 2015 x 280mm
  • 82/71

For the exhibition Untitled #1050 (25 November 2017 – 14 October 2018) this work was displayed with the following label:

“I was working in formal abstraction and paring everything down and peeling everything away until there was virtually nothing there. Then I stopped work and started building everything up again. […]

“What interests me is that it’s a structure of opposites and so it’s a structure that is all encompassing. The opposites are held in tension and balance. It’s hierarchical, and therefore very unfashionable, but I don’t actually see you can avoid hierarchy if you’re constantly organising and ordering. Just putting one thing in front of another is a hierarchical process. The structure is like a map to work by, so that everything is seen in relation to its opposite or to the other parts. It just seemed a more holistic way for me to work.”

—Julia Morison, 1991

Exhibition History

other labels about this work
  • I See Red 5 December 2007 – 23 November 2008

    Julia Morison’s red and white Rhombus B4 seems to carry the beginning and end of an idea. It’s about changing direction or transformation, maybe even about changing your mind.

    Here’s an interesting part of the same puzzle: stare at one part of it for a long time, then stare at the white wall and start blinking. Now what colour do you see?