Pierre Audouin
France, b.1768, d.1822
Un officier assis près d’une jeune femme
- 610 x 439mm
- 73/93
Tags: bags (costume accessories), bags (generic containers), boots (footwear), feather (material), hats, headscarves, interior, letters (correspondence), messengers, monochrome, musical instruments, paper (fiber product), people (agents), post horns, rifles (long guns), soldiers, uniforms
This print bears the inscription 'Peint par Terbourg' indicating the name of the creator of the original painting. This is Gerard ter Borch (1671-1681). The painting, known variously as 'The messenger' or 'The unwelcome call' ('De onwelkome boodschap' in Dutch) is in the Mauritshuis Gallery in The Hague.