No reason to get excited
Behind the scenes
There is no real reason to post this picture of a scrubby painting of Brazilian favelas, except that it is by a certain Robert Zimmerman.

And that gives me cause to celebrate his recent performance at Horncastle Arena this week. A great show, Bob Dylan was in fine form, with highlights (for me) including a jaunty run through the recent 'Dequesne Whistle', the one-two punch of 'Tangled Up in Blue' and 'Simple Twist of Fate' from Blood on the Tracks, and a slinky version of 'Love Sick'. As for the encore, well, it's all good when you can whip out 'All Along The Watchtower' and 'Blowin' in the Wind' to keep the masses in fervour.
And hey, I even quite like the painting...