Strange creatures
Behind the scenes
Some weird and wonderful creatures have been taking up residence in our gallery storage rooms. Luckily, they're artworks, not the pesty kind.

John Hurrell Thingie from Things (a Baker's Dozen) 2013. Plastic peg basket, nylon cable ties. Courtesy of the artist

John Hurrell Whatsit from Things (a Baker's Dozen) 2013. Plastic peg basket, nylon cable ties. Courtesy of the artist

Tony Bond Swoop (detail) 2013. Ceramic. Courtesy of the artist

Tony Bond Swoop (detail) 2013. Ceramic. Courtesy of the artist
We're keeping them mostly under wraps for now, but they'll all be let out when our new exhibition Burster Flipper Wobbler Dripper Spinner Stacker Shaker Maker opens with a bang on Saturday 15 February at ArtBox.