The Boardroom Meets The Matrix
Behind the scenes
Did you know how long it took Glen Hayward to finish this work? Or which tailor Yvonne Todd's corporate types got their clothes from?

Glen Hayward I don't want you to worry about me, I have met some Beautiful People, installation view (detail), City Gallery Wellington, 2013. Photo: Hamish McLaren
You would know if you had attended the artists talks in the weekend.
About 40 people crammed into the gallery to hear two talks in the weekend and they came away buzzing from the interaction with the artists. The pairing of Yvonne Todd and Glen Haywood in the White Collar exhibition had a remarkable synergy. The making of their respective work couldn't have been more different and yet there was the same precise execution and the same blurring of reality. The talks were informal, the audience genuinely hanging onto every word, relishing insights shared, questions asked and answered and enjoying the humour bouncing around the room.

Yvonne Todd Image Consultant 2009. Colour photograph. Reproduced courtesy of the artist and Ivan Anthony Gallery
Answers: 1 year and just ask the Image Consultant, last seen to be entering an op shop - on the North Shore, of course.