Populate! update #25 (A Cry for Help)
Behind the scenes
We're a stoic lot here at Christchurch Art Gallery.
That's why even though our building's been closed for, like, ages, we really haven't complained. Much. Well, not this morning, anyway. Ok, actually we've complained a lot.
1. Bitched (check)
2. Moaned (check)
3. Whined (check)
We've been through all the official channels and quite a few unofficial ones and though some progress has been made, we won't be able to open up the doors for a while yet. All of which makes Tony Oursler's fantastic video work on the east side of our building, with its giant head banging against a wall, feel so very right.

Tony Oursler Head Knocking 2000. Audio/video projection. Courtesy of the artist, Jensen Sydney and Fox/Jensen Auckland.
It's up for Bright Burn Want, an exhibition of six Oursler works we're running as part of the Populate! programme.
Sure, it may not be regulation stress management, but it's working for us...

Tony Oursler Head Knocking 2000. Audio/video projection. Courtesy of the artist, Jensen Sydney and Fox/Jensen Auckland.