Behind the scenes
Due to other committments I was unable to attend the creation of Ash Keating's massive inner city mural, Concrete Propositions.

Ash Keating, Concrete Propositions, detail
Thus, my first encounter with it was from a distance, driving to work. Obviously impressive in it's scale, the real pleasure - I feel - is to be had up close. The abstract expressionist patterns apparent from a more intimate viewing distance are quite awesome.

Ash Keating, Concrete Propositions, detail
These detail shots are of sections that are probably larger than some oil paintings that they bear some comparison to, for example Neil Frazer's 1989 gem Orion (I fondly recall this work hanging in the somewhat cramped contemporary section of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery, dominating all else in the room).

Neil Frazer, Orion

Andre Hemer, Things to do with paint that won't dry, detail
Still, it's another CAG Outer Spaces artwork that is perhaps most worthy of comparison, Andre Hemer's Things to do with paint that won't dry, particularly when looking at the details.