Black, White, and Orange
Behind the scenes
Is anybody else as sick of the sight of road cones as I am?

Cass, South Island, New Zealand
I was looking through some old photos recently, and came across this image I took a couple of years ago on the way back from a weekend spent on the West Coast at Lake Brunner. Coming through Arthurs Pass, past Lake Pearson, it's always nice to stop at the little train station on Cass Settlement Road, where nothing much has changed since Rita Angus painted her wonderful oil on canvas over three-quarters of a century ago. Still, looking at this photo now it's hard not to be struck by the orange road cone (labelled FBI, rather bizarrely) in the foreground. These plastic dunce caps have become a beacon of frustration here in Christchurch, a signifier of the stilting rebuild process as they guide us down ever-narrowing lanes riddled with hidden holes. Which leads me to the image below, an off-white wall in our permanent collection galleries here at Christchurch Art Gallery, with just two screws and a label remaining where Rita Angus's iconic Cass should be sitting with pride of place. Orange road cone just out of shot....

Old "Placemakers' section, Brought To Light, Dame Louise Henderson Gallery, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū