Behind the scenes
Even while on holiday in Melbourne and Tasmania recently, I couldn't help myself visiting galleries and museums.

Tatooed Tim
A real highlight was Mona, the Museum of Old and New Art, located within the Moorilla winery (beautiful) on the Berriedale peninsula in Hobart and very much worth the trek to Tasmania.
Mona is sometimes described as a 'subversive adult Disneyland' and when we encountered Delvoye's Cloaca digestive machines, Tattooed Tim, the Chapel Gothic works and cement truck, my husband and I certainly agreed with that. Subversive, polarising, disgusting and yet beautiful. Tattooed Tim, very much alive - he had just returned from his coffee break - put his earphones on and sat calmly on the stool while visitors inspected his body. Tim is a living art collaboration with Belgian artist Wim Delvoye and his skin has been sold to a German collector, curious.
There are no labels at Mona. Instead the 'O' interpretive device helps explain the bizarre but intriguing sights. Even while enjoying the art I was observing how the place functioned, the building, noting the atmosphere, also on the look out for great customer service. I chatted to quite a few Visitor Hosts, more than willing to chat to me, and discussed the art works, the building, rostering and uniforms etc. I was really taken by the great customer service and art knowledge of the Mona staff. While Mona is fantastical and exciting, I felt so very proud of our Gallery, how we exhibit and our commitment to presenting art and especially our Visitor Hosts here in Christchurch. A brief visit to Mona has enlivened and enthused me.