A little bit of Auckland in Christchurch
Behind the scenes
The Ellerslie International Flower Show opens in the Garden City today.

Artist Unknown, The Garden City c.2000, enamel stencil print on streetlamp, corner Durham Street and Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch. Happy now Tracy?
Christchurch has been known as the garden city for decades and with the magnificent Botanic Gardens, Hagley Park and the meandering Avon River all located in the central city, not to mention the pride that many Cantabrian's take in their gardens - both vegetable and flower – out in the suburbs, it does seem an appropriate label for the city. Wildflowers are taking hold all over the Christchurch these days (with a little help from guerrilla gardeners) with the many vacant lots round town reverting to untamed seas of wild plants finally getting their moment in the sun.

Wildflowers on the corner of Peterborough and Victoria streets.
It's been a good year for the roses here in Christchurch apparently due to the two heavy snowfalls experienced last winter. Here's the 'The Possum', old George Jones with 'It's been a good year for the roses'.